
Ganesh, also known as Ganesha or Ganapati, is one of the most beloved and recognized deities in Hinduism. He is known as the fire god of wisdom, knowledge and new beginnings.
One of the most prominent symbols of Ganesh is his head of an elephant, which represents strength and intelligence. Elephants are also known for their ability to remember, and Ganesh is often invoked to help people overcome obstacles and difficulties, both physical and mental.
Ganesh is most often depicted with four arms, symbolizing his ability to handle all aspects of life at once. Each arm carries different attributes that often have special meanings — such as an ax to cut away ignorance, a string to draw people toward the divine, and a bowl of sweet filling representing rewards of hard work and devotion.
He is also a symbol of harmony and balance, and his teachings often call for unity and cooperation. Ganesh is especially celebrated during the festival of Ganesh Chaturthi, where the faithful gather to pray, sing and celebrate his life and teachings.
In summary, Ganesh is a multifaceted symbol of overcoming obstacles, wisdom and new beginnings, making him an essential figure in Hindu belief and tradition.

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