For the experience of feeling whole and in balance with the whole. You are in exactly the right place in your life, feel the power of growth within you. Each cell reaches out towards your life-giving inner sun and into the depths of your roots to find more nourishment and bloom.
Mossagat for the healing power of nature and the relaxing and presence-inducing ability of the green wavelength. Mossagat is nature itself, it gives us grounding energies and supports us to open up to the forces of nature.
Unakit to initiate the heart and to care for ourselves deep into the heart. Unakit is said to influence our ability to see the root of our evil and support a gentle inner and outer release so that personal and spiritual development is given space in our lives.
Wooden stove because everything grows and develops, the power of life is unstoppable. Let your roots grow as deep as you reach out into the world. Create balance and give yourself as much activity as rest. Feel and live as is best for you.
Many of us have experienced the healing power of being present to the truth and energy of a problem or something that hurts body or soul. Blockages of energy are subtle and difficult to access therefore subtle ways are needed to reach them. We have selected here some stones that we experience as calming, relaxing and bring presence to the healing power of the heart. Maybe it's something else for you? Allow yourself to be open and maybe you can open the door to your inner self even more so that the light can enter. Fear of feeling sadness and pain often stands in the way of healing happening.
We wish you the best of luck on your journey!
I am whole and in balance with all the forces of life.
"The wound is the place where the Light enters you."
- Rumi