Online full moon ceremony with the cleansing and healing energy of the full moon at 19:00

100.00 SEK
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Invitation to Full Moon meditation at 19.00 each occasion see below

The full moon lights up the starry sky once a month. That's when the moon's pull is at its strongest. It is a culmination, when the efforts of the last six months bear fruit. At the same time, a new lunar cycle of creation begins where new results are felt in six months. The full moon is about making ends meet and coming full circle. You get the opportunity to watch and finish what is time for you to finish.

Ratni guides in tune with the energies that apply to this particular full moon.

You can join a guided active meditation for an hour where you participate in all parts or in the moments you choose.
You will receive suggestions on how to use the moon's healing for yourself and your stones.

Example of what the evening contains apart from the guided meditation.

Clean your stones and yourself with smudge, feather and paua shell.
Cleanse your stones, lay them out in the light of the Full Moon.
Replenish yourself, heal your body with the healing power of the Full Moon and take in the healing energy that the Full Moon provides.
Make Full Moon Water in a bottle or carafe.
You write a farewell text on a small piece of paper about what you are now ending, which you also burn.
Guidance on how to relax and meditate in the light of the full moon and then sleep in the light of the full moon under a warm blanket.

Good to have

The stones that you want to clean
Smudge kit or any smudge/sage, paua shell, feather
Small piece of paper & pen
Carafe or bottle
Blanket and pillow


Kristaller och stenar är naturprodukter och är alla unika. En viss variation i utseende och färg förekommer. 

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