Become a crystal reader! Evening course 6 Tuesdays starting on 19/9-2023 at 18.00-20.30

550.00 SEK

Train yourself as a Crystal Reader - Course 1

The course takes place on 6 Tuesday evenings starting on 19/9-2023 at 18.00-20.30

Open up to the messages of the stones and support others to develop!
Learn to read stones, let the stones coach and guide your clients and realize your dream of working professionally with stones and crystals.

In order to participate in the Crystal Reader training, you must have done a Crystal Reading with Vanya.

Training as a Crystal Reader means that you deepen your connection with yourself and with the crystals and stones. The crystal reader learns to listen to the stones' messages and energies in order to convey them to the client. The client, in turn, receives confirmation of his life journey and support to dare to create the best possible results in his life situation. The crystal reader also learns to convey meditations, techniques, affirmations and other ways to bring out the messages and energy of the crystals in everyday life so that the client's journey becomes as fun, simple and joyful as possible.

The crystal reading training has developed during Vanya's Pernilla Mårten's journey with the crystals and stones for more than 30 years. In the 80s, Vanya wrote the book "Crystals, meditation and healing" published by Aquarius. She has since worked with Crystals and healing and led and developed the Crystal Room. Vanya is a trained meditation and massage therapist, Aura Soma color therapist, reiki healer, etc. and has studied with Osho and other consciousness-raising teachers since 1984.


1. Training in Crystal Reading: Use the Crystals and stones to coach and guide your clients to greater clarity and power in their lives.
2. 15 hours of teaching
3. Printouts to use during the course
4. Meditate with stones
5. Internship and internship supervision, practice with clients, ethics and approach
7. Kristallrummet's book About Magical Stones with color pictures of over 240 stones
8. Maximum 10 participants
9. Diploma after completion of education
10. 10% discount on all goods in the Crystal Room during the course period
11. Sharing and sharing experiences with fellow students

Cancellation is free up to 7 days before the course starts. If you cancel after this, we will receive the full fee. To cancel or for other questions about the course, email


Kristaller och stenar är naturprodukter och är alla unika. En viss variation i utseende och färg förekommer. 

Läs mer om denna kristall i Kristallbiblioteket!

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