Course "Make your Goddess necklace" 2 evenings 12/3 & 26/3 2024

700.00 SEK

Course to find your inner goddess and create a necklace for her.

12/3 & 26/3 2024 at 18.00-20.00

Your Inner Goddess - Who is she?
You make a necklace with the theme of Your Inner Goddess

We start with a short meditation where I guide you to go within yourself and let your Goddess come forward. Meditations are relaxing with some calming music, it's a good way to calm down and be here and now. A good way to get some extra energy to feel which crystals harmonize with the goddess you are and want to be.

You do not need any prior knowledge for this course.

We all have our own gut feeling (intuition).
Everything will be as it should be.

During two evenings you work with your inner Goddess necklace.
You have plenty of time to choose pearls and think about how the necklace should look.

The necklace is made on a durable, soft and pliable necklace wire and you will learn how to attach a lock.

We will tell you about which crystals and the gems you have chosen and you will also have time to read about what the crystals you have chosen mean to you

We end the last evening by learning how to clean in a simple way
crystals and yourself with the help of incense, sounding bowl and pendulum.​

This course is led by Monica Johansson

Please note that there is a charge for materials.
A 20% discount is given on purchases at the time of the course.

Maximum number of participants: 10 people

Cancellation is free up to 7 days before the course starts. If you cancel after this, we will receive the full fee. To cancel or for other questions about the course, email


Kristaller och stenar är naturprodukter och är alla unika. En viss variation i utseende och färg förekommer. 

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