Workshop "Make a piece of jewelry for your Guardian Angel" Tuesday 27/2 2024

400.00 SEK

Get closer to your guardian angel with this course on Tuesday

Are you curious about your guardian angel?
We all have a guardian angel close to us, who is ready to help us, if we want and allow this.
This course is for you who want to get closer to your guardian angel. You make a bracelet that reminds you that you are never alone, no matter what happens.

We begin the evening by gathering our thoughts in a short meditation, to land here and now. Then you choose the crystals you want in your guardian angel bracelet. We jointly address what the crystals stand for and you get to feel what feels right for you.

If there is enough time, we do a purification with incense, sounding bowls or a pendulum. You choose how you want to clean your jewelry. Of course, we take into account if you cannot tolerate incense.

The course fee includes a beautiful organza bag to store your jewelry in. A sage leaf for purification and the meaning of the crystal you chose as a reminder of what the guardian angel wants to tell you. You thread the bracelet on durable elastic thread with the pearls you chose during the evening, the ones you associate with your guardian angel's energy!

10% discount is given on purchases at the time of the course and cannot be used at a later time.

Location: The Crystal Temple in the Crystal Room, Hökens gata 6

Time: 18.00 - 20.00

This course is led by Monica Johansson

Please note that there is a charge for materials.
A 20% discount is given on purchases at the time of the course.

Maximum number of participants: 10 people

Warm welcome!


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