
Miracle, intention bag

130.00 SEK

Intention bag Miracle

labradorite, muscovite & rock crystal

For the experience of the extra ordinary event called miracle. Open yourself to the wonders of life and they are there! Like flashes of light in the dark, like signs that you have help from unknown forces, like a moment when time has stopped and everything feels completely right.

Labradorite to experience the here and now and the glittering truth that right now lies beneath the surface of everyday life. Muscovite to allow himself to be surprised and approve of this very moment. Rock crystal to enhance your experience and raise your energy and presence.

Affirmation: I am blessed with miracles every day.

" A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love " - ​​Marianne Williamson


Kristaller och stenar är naturprodukter och är alla unika. En viss variation i utseende och färg förekommer. 

Läs mer om denna kristall i Kristallbiblioteket!

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