Mala Spirit Rudraksha

Aquamarine, Ocean Wave Rudraksha Mala

1,610.00 SEK

Aquamarine grind with Rudraksha beads and chalcedony, peridot, citrine & amber

Hindus already discovered the power of the sacred Rudraksha beads thousands of years ago. Rudraksha malan beads are treated as sacred in many cultures. Rudraksha beads offer the wearer peace, clarity and direction, thus allowing space for positive energy and thoughts. The smaller Rudraksha beads are the rarest and strongest in energy. Rudrakshas are mentioned in the Vedas (the oldest and most sacred Hindu scriptures), and in Ayurveda Rudraksha is still used as traditional medicine due to its balancing energy.

The refreshing, genuine power of aquamarine is said to expand the wearer's awareness. With water as the stone's element and gifts of protection and eternal youth, she clears our emotional processes and gives us light and spiritual growth. Aquamarine deepens our inner knowing and allows us to see and speak clearly. We call this beautiful mala the "Ocean Wave Mala".

The aquamarine is supported by chalcedony, peridot, citrine and amber. Chalcedony for smooth communication and Peridot with its protective and cleansing energy. Additionally, warmth is provided by the citrine, complemented by amber for wisdom.

Number of balls : 162 (108+54) , hand knotted
Hanging length : approx . 36 cm
Rudraksha size : 4 mm

Each mala necklace is lovingly handcrafted with original mala beads from Aum Rudraksha Designs in Bali.

* Malas / bracelets and mala beads are authentic, sustainably harvested, fair trade and ethically produced.

* Our mala necklaces and mala bracelets are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The results are the responsibility of the wearer.


Kristaller och stenar är naturprodukter och är alla unika. En viss variation i utseende och färg förekommer. 

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